My experience in week nine

The source material this week was dedicated to gaining insight from industry with regard to sound design and in particular looked at Doug Pennant who has a wealth of experience in game audio design from the AAA game perspective. Though I thoroughly enjoyed exploring sound over the last two weeks and I’ve definitely been inspired by some of the source material and both activities to record and synthesise sounds, Escape The App has everything it needs from an audio perspective for the time being. Based on this and the fact that the development tasks I wanted to complete prior to submission were beginning to pile up, I felt that immersing myself in this weeks content would have been detrimental to the strength of my submission so I decided to invest my time this week into furthering development of the gameplay experience in my app instead to try and refine that as much as possible before the end of April.

Tying this to my project

Though I’ve stated above that now is not the right time for me to engage with the content this week I am sure, like with every weeks content so far that I will get inspired in some way by immersing myself in this material, and though this level of sound consideration is perhaps too much for Escape The App, there may well be apps that I work on in future that would benefit from this knowledge. For this reason I’ve created a task on Trello here to revisit the content from this week post submission.


In this post I’ve demonstrated some interest in this weeks content on sound design for AAA games, but stated that I didn’t want to engage too deeply because the content would likely not benefit the development of Escape The App and more importantly through worry that spending time on this would hinder the strength of my app submission. I’ve concluded that I see value in revisiting the content from this week and I’ve added a task on Trello to do this at some point.


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