This post is aimed at consolidating the additional work I’ve done on top of the experiments that can be found within my journal that I wish to submit for my Creative App Project Portfolio. Please use the links in the various sections below to access files.

Being that Escape The App is an Intellectual Property of Antiblanks some of the links on this page have been protected with HTTP authentication. I’ve supplied a username and password to Dom Starr at Falmouth University and am happy to issue the same credentials to any member of the Falmouth University faculty staff or any Falmouth University student on the course. To get the credentials please email me using this link.

Market / Audience research

Use the links below to access the market and audience research I’ve conducted to support development of Escape The App:

The majority of my market and audience research was directed primarily to validate the viability of Escape The App before commencing development of the product. As a final experiment to test the hypothesis that escape game enthusiasts want to compete against one another I created a landing page and directed traffic to this with a Google Ad campaign. This was covered in more detail in one of my earlier journal posts. To see the landing page and a summary of the results on Google Ads and Mailchimp click the links below:

My research was condensed and formalised into a pitch deck for Antiblanks, it’s currently a work in progress and there is more work required to improve the story throughout the deck, update the screen shots in the ‘How Escape The App Works’ section, include in-app advertising to the monetisation strategy to drive up the ROI and I still need to find a marketing partner. Once I have an MVP of the product ready I aim to complete this deck and use it to pitch for investment. The deck in it’s current state can be seen by clicking the link below:

UX / Design

Use the links below to access the UX and design I’ve created to support development of Escape The App. To open the raw layered design and animation files you will need the latest version of PhotoShop and Sketch:


The codebase for Escape The App is hosted on Github here. Being that Escape The App is an Intellectual Property of Antiblanks the repository has been made private, to access the repository you will need to be added as a collaborator on the project. To be added as a collaborator please email me using this link and provide your Github username.


Escape The App will eventually be released as a cross platform application for both iOS and Android with support for all major devices. Though this is the eventual intention the app has currently only been configured and tested on iOS version 10+ and on the iPhone 6s and newer devices. The app has not yet been configured for older devices such as the iPhone 4/5 which eventually will be required to run the app on compatibility mode on the iPad.

For purpose of this submission the prototype will be available for testing on TestFlight. To get an invite to test the app please email me using this link and provide the email that is tied to your Apple ID.

When testing the prototype please bear the following in mind:

  • Unsubscribed / subscribed games: There are only a handful of test games in the system, currently all bar one of these are unsubscribed games (see the video below for more on unsubscribed vs subscribed games). Witchcraft and Wizardry is the only game that has been added as a subscribed game, please bear this in mind when testing the different games.
  • Offline capabilities: The app has been built to support an offline experience and offline capabilities should work out of the box being that I am using Google Firebase to provide the database. However this feature has not yet been tested properly so currently the app should only be tested while connected to the internet.
  • Confirming games: Eventually there will be a unique code assigned to each game that needs to be entered by the game owner to confirm a score, currently you can enter anything into the field on the ‘Game Finished Screen’.


Click the link below to view my video that outlines my design and development process, demonstrates the main project functionality and some of the more relevant experiments.


All of the experiments I’ve conducted over this study block that attribute to the development of Escape The App can be found in my journal here.